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26 September 2013

Top 10 blog posts for August 2013 from Linuxlandit & The Conqueror Penguin.

1.- Molecule Man is an isometric 3D arcade adventure game released by Mastertronic in 1986.

molecule-manMolecule Man is an isometric 3D arcade adventure game released by Mastertronic in 1986 for a variety of 8-bit home computers. A level editor is included which enables the player to design their own mazes.Molecule Man is trapped in a radioactive maze and must reach the escape teleport before the radiation kills him.Although Molecule Man looks at first glance like a simple isometric maze game, it is more sophisticated than 3D Monster Maze and more similar to Spectrum classics like Knightlore. The only way you can escape from the maze is by using the teleporter, but you can only use it only after you have collected all sixteen sections of the level's circuit board. To keep the radiation dose down, you also need to periodically take anti-rad pills. You start the game with twenty of these, but you will quickly use them up, and must search the maze for anti-radiation pill vending machines. But of course, these machines need money to dispense pills. So you must also collect coins that are scattered around the maze. Also around the maze are bombs which can be used to destroy sections of the maze walls, allowing you access to new sections.


2.- 15+ Latest HTML5 Templates for Web Design.

010-business-website-templateHTML5 is one of the most popular and useful markup languages for the web design industry. It has introduced a lot of new features which made the development and designing process much easier for developers and designers.

If you are in a search for a new html5 template for your website, then this post is for you. We have showcased fresh html5 website templates that you can use in your website to make it look more stunning.

Website templates are pre-designed web pages that are ready for you to insert your own content.

These templates are written in HTML5 and CSS & are free to use (under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence) for both personal and commercial websites, providing the 'design from' link is retained.

Nevia – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


3.- The History of HTML [Infographic].

History of html5

4.- KSEG is a free (GPL) interactive geometry software for exploring Euclidean geometry.

Kseg-enKSEG is a Free (GPL) interactive geometry program for exploring Euclidean geometry. It runs on Unix-based platforms (according to users, it also compiles and runs on Mac OS X and should run on anything that Qt supports). You create a construction, such as a triangle with a circumcenter, and then, as you drag verteces of the triangle, you can see the circumcenter moving in real time. Of course, you can do a lot more than that--see the feature list below.

I rewrote SEG a third time for linux (calling it KSEG because initially it was a KDE project--but I found the KDE API's were changing too fast for me to keep up), using my experience with the previous two designs. It has gone from a program for my personal use into a real piece of interactive educational software. Although I know that it is being used in education, I have heard few details about the experience, so please, if you use KSEG for teaching math in a school or college, write me about it.

Ilya Baran


5.- JGraph is a freely available Java Graph Component for the visualization and layout of graphs.

jgraph banner2JGraph is a graph drawing open source software component written in the Java programming language; started by Gaudenz Alder as a University project in 2000 at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. The original design for JGraph was to make it an architectural extension of JTr. The initial public release of JGraph w as in May 2002. After the JGraph 5.x branch the project took the version numbering from mxGraph, since the two projects shared API by version. This branch, named JGraphX, started again from release 1.0. The summarized history of JGraphX since public release is available in the library change log.

HTML5 diagramming component with full IE 6-8 and touch device support.

JavaScript Graph Visualization and Layouts - JGraph has been providing leading diagramming software components since 2001, first with ever popular JGraph Swing library, then in 2005 with the leading edge development of mxGraph.

6.- Just Another Gibbs Sampler (JAGS) is a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).

jagsJust Another Gibbs Sampler (JAGS) is a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) developed by Martyn Plummer. Its modeling abilities are similar to WinBUGS/OpenBUGS through the use of a dialect of the same modeling language (informally, BUGS), but it provides no GUI for model building and MCMC samples postprocessing, which must therefore be treated in a separate program (for example calling JAGS from R through a library such as rjags and post-processing MCMC output in R). Its main advantage in comparison to the members of the original BUGS family (WinBUGS and OpenBUGS) is its platform independence. It is written in C++, while the BUGS family is written in Component Pascal, which is only available for Windows.[1][2] Therefore it is already part of many repositories of Linux distributions like Ubuntu. It can also be compiled as a 64-bit application on 64-bit platforms, thus making all the addressable space available to BUGS models. JAGS can be used via prompts and script files. This means that there is no need to redo the settings with every run and that the program can be called and controlled from within another program (e.g. R via rjags as outlined above).


7.- 10 Useful Sar (Sysstat) Examples for UNIX / Linux Performance Monitoring.

Using sar you can monitor performance of various Linux subsystems (CPU, Memory, I/O..) in real time.
Using sar, you can also collect all performance data on an on-going basis, store them, and do historical analysis to identify bottlenecks.
Sar is part of the sysstat package.
This article explains how to install and configure sysstat package (which contains sar utility) and explains how to monitor the following Linux performance statistics using sar.

  1. Collective CPU usage
  2. Individual CPU statistics
  3. Memory used and available
  4. Swap space used and available
  5. Overall I/O activities of the system
  6. Individual device I/O activities
  7. Context switch statistics
  8. Run queue and load average data
  9. Network statistics
  10. Report sar data from a specific time

8.- Linux Compared with DOS/Windows

windows-vs-linux So you've heard about Linux, and now you're thinking, I wonder if it's the answer to the problems I've been having with Windows? The good news is that there's a clear and unequivocal answer: Maybe.

Linux will appeal to you if:

  • You are the type of person who likes to "get under the bonnet" and tinker.
  • You find pointing and clicking to be a limiting way of expressing yourself.
  • You want to develop or run applications for small- and medium-sized enterprises.
  • You have a few Windows computers and need a firewall to connect them to the Internet, or a file server, or an intranet server, or...
Let's delve a little deeper, and see what attracts people to Linux.
Why Do People Use Linux?
Essentially, using Microsoft Windows is a bit like being a passenger in a Boeing 747. It's smooth, it's comfortable albeit cramped and you have an entertainment screen right in front of you. But after take-off, you can't change your mind about where you're going and you're not going to see any interesting scenery en-route.

9.- Iostat, Report Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices, partitions and network filesystems (NFS).

Iostat (input/output statistics) is a computer system monitor tool used to collect and show operating system storage input and output statistics. It is often used to identify performance issues with storage devices, including local disks, or remote disks accessed over network file systems such as NFS. It can also be used to provide information about terminal (TTY) input and output.
The iostat command is used for monitoring system input/output device loading by observing the time the devices are active in relation to their average transfer rates. The iostat command generates reports that can be used to change system configuration to better balance the input/output load between physical disks.
The first report generated by the iostat command provides statistics concerning the time since the system was booted. Each subsequent report covers the time since the previous report. All statistics are reported each time the iostat command is run. The report consists of a CPU header row followed by a row of CPU statistics. On multiprocessor systems, CPU statistics are calculated system-wide as averages among all processors. A device header row is displayed followed by a line of statistics for each device that is configured. When option -n is used, an NFS header row is displayed followed by a line of statistics for each network filesystem that is mounted.
The interval parameter specifies the amount of time in seconds between each report. The first report contains statistics for the time since system startup (boot). Each subsequent report contains statistics collected during the interval since the previous report. The count parameter can be specified in conjunction with the interval parameter. If the count parameter is specified, the value of count determines the number of reports generated at interval seconds apart. If the interval parameter is specified without the count parameter, the iostat command generates reports continuously.

10.- ZynAddSubFX is a very cool and amazingly powerful software synth.

ZynAddSubFX-logo ZynAddSubFX is a open source software synthesizer capable of making a countless number of instruments, from some common heard from expensive hardware to interesting sounds that you'll boost to an amazing universe of sounds. The project was started in March 2002 by Nasca Octavian Paul. He began to write ZynAddSubFX in order to create a synthesizer which could produce beautiful sounds, while being freely available to anybody who needs it. For sound generation it has three hybrid synth engines that combine additive, subtractive, Fourier and other synthesis methods. No external samples are used to produce the sound; everything is done by synthesis. The synthesizer has effects like reverberation, echo, chorus, distortion, equalization and others, and supports microtonal tunings.

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