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11 September 2014

New version of SparkyLinux available.

SparkyLinux is a lightweight, fast and simple Linux distribution disigned for both old and new computers featuring customized Enlightenment and LXDE desktops.

It has been built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux.

Available for i486 and x86_64 machines.

Main features:
– Debian testing based
– rolling release
– lightweight, fast & simple
– main edition – lightweight & fast LXDE desktop
– Enlightenment – lightweight and beautiful
– ultra light edition with Openbox and JWM desktops (Ultra Edition)
– special gaming edition: GameOver
– MATE Edition with GNOME 2 fork desktop
– Razor-Qt Edition with Qt based desktop
– CLI Edition for building own customized desktop
– most wireless and mobile network cards supported
– set of selected applications, multimedia codecs and plugins
– easy hard drive / USB installation



Updates (via Distrowatch):

Paweł Pijanowski has announced the release of SparkyLinux 3.5, a set of Debian-based distributions that come with a choice of LXDE, Razor-qt or Enlightenment desktops: "SparkyLinux 3.5 'Annagerman' LXDE, Razor-Qt, CLI, Enlightenment 18 & 19-dev is out. New live/install ISO images provide up-to-date packages and a few changes. All packages have been synchronized with Debian 'testing' repositories as of 2014-09-02. The system runs on Linux kernel 3.14.15. This time the Enlightenment edition is available in two variants: E18 - the stable line; E19-dev ( - development packages compiled from the git repository as of 2014-09-02. New application, Custom ISO Builder, lets you rebuild ISO images of SparkyLinux and some other images similar to SparkyLinux. New tool, Sparky-APTus-Extra, lets you quickly install additional applications from the SparkyLinux repository." Here is the full release announcement. Download (pkglist): sparkylinux-3.5-x86_64-lxde.iso (1,343MB, MD5), sparkylinux-3.5-x86_64-razorqt.iso (1,417MB, MD5), sparkylinux-3.5-x86_64-e18.iso (1,470MB, MD5), sparkylinux-3.5-x86_64-e19-dev.iso (1,532MB, MD5).


SparkyLinux 2.1 "Eris" LXDE
[Immagine: sparkylinux-2-1-lxde.png]
Ultra Edition
[Immagine: sparkylinux-2-1-1-ultra.png]
RC 2.1 Ersi Mate
[Immagine: sparkylinux-2-1-mate.png]
Ultra Edition Openbox
[Immagine: sparkylinux-2-1-openbox.png]
Ultra Edition Fluxbox
[Immagine: sparkylinux-2-1-fluxbox.png]
2.0.1 LXDE GameOver
[Immagine: sparky-2-gameover.png]
.0.1 "GameOver" LightDM
[Immagine: sparky-2-go-lxde.png]
Menù giochi
[Immagine: sparky-2-go-menu.png]
2.0 “Eris” Enlightenment
[Immagine: sparky-2-0-e17.png]
[Immagine: sparky-avidemux.png]
[Immagine: sparky-miro.png]
[Immagine: sparky-devede.png]
[Immagine: sparky-rhythmbox.png]
VLC + Gnome Player
[Immagine: sparky-vlc-gnome-mplayer.png]

Libre Office
[Immagine: sparky-libreoffice.png]
Player PDF Evince
[Immagine: sparky-evince.png]

[Immagine: sparky-gpicview.png]
[Immagine: sparky-inkscape.png]
[Immagine: sparky-simplescan.png]

[Immagine: sparky-iceweasel.png]
[Immagine: sparky-liferea.png]
[Immagine: sparky-transmission.png]

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