What to do if your download of Zorin OS fails or is slow.
Download from a different mirror server
The Zorin website will try to automatically find the fastest download server based on your general location.
However, if you’re having issues downloading a free edition of Zorin OS (such as Core, Lite, or Education) please try choosing a different server to download from.
- After starting the download process, press the “Download from a different server…” button.
- Select a nearby mirror for a faster and more reliable download.
Use the correct web browser
We recommend that you use the latest version of Firefox or Google Chrome to download your copy of Zorin OS.
Please do not use any third-party download managers. This helps to avoid corrupting the download file.
Choose the right time to download
We recommend that you try downloading the .iso file overnight when your Internet provider’s local network traffic is lower.
Avoid downloading with a VPN
Your download may be less reliable or slower if you’re using a VPN.
If you’re having issues downloading Zorin OS with a VPN enabled, we recommend that you disable it temporarily to download your copy of Zorin OS.
If you didn’t receive the email with your download link for Zorin OS Pro
Please try checking the Spam/Junk folder in your email account if the email didn’t reach your inbox within 30 minutes of your purchase.
If you have multiple email addresses, please check the inbox for the same email address you used when purchasing Zorin OS Pro. If you don’t remember this email address, we recommend that you log into each email account and search for “Zorin OS”.
If you were still unable to locate the email with your download link and support code, you can request a new copy of this email.
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