Home » , , » Icon-Slicer is a utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor themes.

Icon-Slicer is a utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor themes.

icon-slicerIcon-slicer is a utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor
cursor themes.

The inputs to icon-slicer are conceptually:
A) A set of multi-layer images, one for each size.
B) A XML theme description file

Each image contains all the cursors arranged in a grid; For
cursors the layers are:
- A layer with a dot for the hotspot of each cursor
- The main image or first animation frame for multi-frame
   animated cursors
- The second animation frame for multi-frame animated cursors
- ...

For icons, the layers are:

- A layer with the images
- An optional layer with attachment points for emblems
- An optional layer with boxes for embedding text into

In practice, since loading of multilayer images is not supported by
standard image libraries, each layer is input as a separate image

The theme description file contains, among other things, information about
the source  images to read, the location of each named cursor or icon
within the grid, and a set of aliases from names to other names.


icon-slicer requires GTK+-2.0 or newer for the gdk-pixbuf image
manipulation library. It probably is already on your system; if not,
it is available from ftp://ftp.gtk.org. It also requires the
popt library from the RPM distribution. (Should be commonly
available on most Linux distributions, even if they don't use RPM.)

Once you have those installed, building icon-slicer is a simple
./configure ; make ; make install. If you installed GTK+ in a
non-standard location, say /opt/gtk, then you will need to set
PKG_CONFIG_PATH to include /opt/gtk/lib/pkgconfig.


icon-slicer takes some number of theme description files as input,
along with options:

    The directory into which to write output. Mandatory.

    The directory in which to find source images. If not
    specified, the current working directory is used.

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