Home » , , » Igelle is an advanced modern operating system for desktop computers, mobile devices, embedded systems and server computers.
28 February 2010

Igelle is an advanced modern operating system for desktop computers, mobile devices, embedded systems and server computers.

Markku Kero has announced the release of Igelle 1.0.0, an independent desktop Linux distribution featuring a custom desktop, package management and other unique characteristics: "We are happy to announce the release and immediate availability of a distinct flavor of Igelle, Igelle DSV 1.0.0 for personal computer desktops.

Igelle DSV provides a general-purpose desktop operating system for desktop computers, laptops, netbooks and the like, and is in this release made available to personal computers using Intel-compatible processors (x86). In summary, this release is characterized by the following: pleasurable and simple end-user experience; small, fast, light and powerful; introducing the Esther desktop; innovative system and package management; easy application installation and packaging; integrated developer tools; cutting-edge open-source technology.

Read the rest of the release announcement to learn more about Igelle.

Download the installable live CD image from here: igelle-dsv_i686_1.0.0.iso (587MB, MD5).

Recent releases:

• 2010-02-22: Distribution Release: Igelle 1.0.0
• 2009-03-18: Distribution Release: Igelle PC/Desktop 0.6.0

Igelle D-Series: Desktop Computers.

The Igelle D-Series delivers a unique graphical desktop experience that combines beauty, security, ease of use, wide application availability, customization and ease of development together in an easy-to-use desktop operating system that takes over the familiar desktop, laptop, notebook and net book form factors and many more where a modern graphical desktop may not have been possible before.


* Graphical desktops for corporations and organizations
* Graphical desktop computing for home use
* Desktop, netbook, MID, UMPC operating systems
* Kiosk computers
* Specialized GUI applications (POS systems, customized corporate apps, and more)


Igelle DSV is version of Igelle, providing a modern, cutting edge, general purpose graphical desktop experience for desktop, laptop and notebook/netbook form factors/use cases.
Igelle M-Series: Mobile Devices


The Igelle M-Series provides the ultimate answer to the newly emerging requirements of mobile computing. The M-Series provides the features that you need while on the go, with all the power and flexibility of Igelle, while taking into account the special needs in areas of ease of use, user interface, battery life and the real-life scenarios that you'll encounter while on the go. The Igelle M-Series provides an ideal operating system for a mobile phone, a PDA-like device or a portable internet terminal, just to name a few possible examples.


* Mobile Phones
* PDAs, Internet tablets, and more
* Navigation (GPS) devices
* Portable/handheld computers
* Custom-built handheld devices

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Igelle M-Series: Mobile Devices.


The Igelle M-Series provides the ultimate answer to the newly emerging requirements of mobile computing. The M-Series provides the features that you need while on the go, with all the power and flexibility of Igelle, while taking into account the special needs in areas of ease of use, user interface, battery life and the real-life scenarios that you'll encounter while on the go. The Igelle M-Series provides an ideal operating system for a mobile phone, a PDA-like device or a portable internet terminal, just to name a few possible examples.


* Mobile Phones
* PDAs, Internet tablets, and more
* Navigation (GPS) devices
* Portable/handheld computers
* Custom-built handheld devices

Igelle S-Series: Server Systems.

The Igelle S-Series powers up your office automation and IT systems as well as your data center. This ultimate server solution provides all the standard needs for server-type computing, including web servers, database systems, network services such as DHCP, DNS, and so much more.


* Office automation services
* Data center, online services
* Database systems, web servers
* Firewalls, networking, network monitoring
* Custom server applications

Igelle E-Series: Embedded Systems.

The Igelle E-Series provides an amazing platform for development of systems that cater for very specific, customized or completely new usage scenarios. The E-Series provides a solid, flexible foundation from which to develop and allows for flexibility never before seen in operating system's of it's kind, and provides an ideal platform for development of specialized embedded or custom systems tailored for the unique requirements of the users.


* Automotive applications (in-car entertainment systems, vehicle information systems, and more)
* Home electronics and entertainment (DVD players, TVs, music players, appliances, and more)
* Specialized computers (industrial computers, low-power devices, mini computers, and more)
* Customized systems (industrial automation, corporate applications, and more)


Igelle DSV is a powerful graphical desktop operating system, available for download at no cost for Intel-compatible personal computers here at www.igelle.com. Minimum requirements to run this operating system are:

  • Pentium III processor, or higher
  • 256MB RAM, or higher
  • 1GB or more of hard drive storage (if installed)

Igelle DSV is supplied as a downloadable CD-image (ISO format), that can be burned on a compact disc for usage. It is a "Live CD", ie. it can be used on a computer directly from the CD without a need for installation for trying it out and testing, and can then be easily installed on a local hard drive storage.

Please also review our documentation. For community discussions on DSV, also see our forums.

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