It is intended to have low-resource system requirements and is designed primarily for netbooks, mobile devices and older PCs.
The LXDE desktop uses the Openbox window manager and is intended to be a low system requirement, low RAM environment for netbooks, mobile devices and older PCs. In this role it will compete with Xubuntu.
An initial review claims it uses half as much RAM as Xubuntu or Ubuntu on a normal installation or in typical use.
Updates (via Distrowatch):
Mario Behling has announced the release of Lubuntu 11.04, an unofficial Ubuntu variant that showcases the lightweight, but full-featured LXDE desktop: "Julien Lavergne has released Lubuntu 11.04. Features: based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment; PCManFM 0.9.8, a fast and lightweight file manager using GIO/GVFS; LXDE, a lightweight GTK+ display manager; Chromium, the open-source version of Google Chrome; based on Ubuntu 11.04. Improvements since Lubuntu 10.10: new automatic way to build the ISO images; switch from Aqualung to Audacious for the music player; switch from Xarchiver to File Roller for the archives; switch from Cheese to GTK+ UVC Viewer for using webcams; new added applications - gucharmap, LXKeymap, documentation; Lubuntu is now HAL free; new theme."
Read the full release announcement for a full list of improvements.
Download: lubuntu-11.04.iso (680MB, MD5, torrent).
• 2011-04-29: Distribution Release: Lubuntu 11.04
• 2010-10-11: Distribution Release: Lubuntu 10.10
• 2010-09-08: Development Release: Lubuntu 10.10 Beta 1
• 2010-05-03: Distribution Release: Lubuntu 10.04
• 2010-04-25: Development Release: Lubuntu 10.04 Beta 3
• 2010-04-12: Development Release: Lubuntu 10.04 Beta 2

The name Lubuntu is a combination of LXDE and Ubuntu. LXDE stands for Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, while Ubuntu means "humanity towards others" in the Zulu and Xhosa languages.
The LXDE desktop was first made available as an optional package for Ubuntu starting with version 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex". LXDE can also be installed in earlier versions of Ubuntu.
In February 2009, Mark Shuttleworth invited the LXDE project to become a self-maintained project within the Ubuntu community, with the aim of leading to a dedicated new official Ubuntu derivative to be called Lubuntu.
In March 2009, the Lubuntu project was started on Launchpad by Mario Behling, including an early project logo. The project also established an official Ubuntu wiki project page, also under Behling's management, that includes listings of applications, packages, and components.
On 30 December 2009 the first Alpha 1 "Preview" version ISO for Lubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx was made available for testing, with Alpha 2 following on 24 January 2010.
* LXDE Idea Page: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Google_Summer_of_Code_2010* LXDE Blog post: http://blog.lxde.org/?p=661
* GSoC program: http://socghop.appspot.com/
* Accepted Organization: http://socghop.appspot.com/gsoc/program/accepted_orgs/google/gsoc2010
* Mailing List: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/lxde-list
* Debian Overview Page: http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2010
* Debian Applying: http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2010/Applying
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