Home » , » Dragora GNU/Linux is an Argentinean distribution focused in freedom, stability and security.
2 January 2011

Dragora GNU/Linux is an Argentinean distribution focused in freedom, stability and security.

Dragora GNU/Linux is a distribution created from scratch with the intention of providing a stable, multi-platform and multi-purpose operating system. It is built upon 100% free software. It has a very simple packaging system that allows installing, removing, upgrading and creating packages. Dragora can be an ideal distribution for those who wish to learn how a distribution works on the inside.

Dragora is a powerful and reliable GNU/Linux distribution created from scratch with the intention of providing a stable, multiplatform and multipurpose operating system. All of which, is built upon 100% free software. It has a very simple packaging system that allows you to: install, remove, upgrade and create packages with ease. Dragora features runit, among other things, for it's system startup by default, which ensures the complete control of system services.

Dragora can be ideal for those who wish to learn how a distribution works on the inside. Dragora is developed entirely on a voluntary basis and has an active community providing quick and helpful support.

Updates (via Distrowatch):

Dragora GNU/Linux Matias Fonzo has announced the release of Dragora GNU/Linux 2.1, a multi-purpose operating system built with free software: "I am pleased to announce the version 2.1 of Dragora GNU/Linux. Dragora is a powerful and reliable GNU/Linux distribution created from scratch with the intention of providing a stable, multi-platform and multi-purpose operating system. Built with 100% free software. The latest version is now available in a 64-bit edition. Featuring Runit as the default init scheme, a simple and powerful package system, Linux 'libre', the GNU C Compiler Collection 4.5.1, and the GNU C library 2.12.1. Also, X.Org 7.6 with Xfce 4.8pre2 with patches, IceWM, and Scrotwm. The Bluetooth subsystem has been added, better printing support, along with scanner support. This version comes with Java through IcedTea 6, GNU IceCat 3.6.13 with Tor, Polipo and the development version of Gnash."

A more complete changelog is available as part of the release announcement.

Download: dragora-2.1-i486.iso (605MB, SHA1), dragora-2.1-x86_64.iso (601MB, SHA1).

Alternatively, you can download an ISO image and burn it to a CD yourself.

ISO images

Chooses the most nearby site where you are.



http://dragora.hamann.com.ar (Thanks to Patricio Hamann.).



http://notzzap.zzzzz.ws/dragora (Thanks to orly_owl.).
http://gnulinuxlibre.net/wp-content/uploads/mirror/dragora (Thanks to Omar Botta.).

Recent releases:

• 2010-12-31: Distribution Release: Dragora GNU/Linux 2.1
• 2010-04-13: Distribution Release: Dragora GNU/Linux 2.0
• 2010-03-29: Development Release: Dragora GNU/Linux 2.0 RC2
• 2009-10-09: Distribution Release: Dragora GNU/Linux 1.1
• 2009-08-25: Development Release: Dragora GNU/Linux 1.1 RC1


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