Home » , , , » Kabikaboo is a tree-based note pad, designed to help you plan a book or complex project.
14 August 2011

Kabikaboo is a tree-based note pad, designed to help you plan a book or complex project.

Kabikaboo is a simple tree branching text organizer. It is meant to be used to help aid in the writing of novels or other large documents. A recursive viewing feature allows one to see any section of the tree.

Kabikaboo is a free and open source, created with Python, PyGTK, Geany, Glade, on Ubuntu Debian Linux GNU.

You can see an overview of all the children or grandchildren of any given node in the tree, for reference. Each text node can have any arrangement of children, and the nodes can be moved around freely. A tabbed notebook allows users to keep track of the most recently opened nodes, easing movement within a large tree.

This tree-based note pad could be used for any purposes - not only for novels. It could be used to plan a technical manual, todo lists, anything that would benefit from tree-based text organization. Kabikaboo is not meant to actually write a document - you should use AbiWord/OpenOffice/LaTeX or some other editor for that purpose.

Featured books made with Kabikaboo:
- A Spark at the End of Summer: http://www.creationmyth.net

Features (1.7):

- Note Tree: infinitely customizable; you create all categories and subcategories.
- Edit Nodes: a simple node that you can write text inside of.
- View Nodes: recursively see any section of your tree, as if it were one document.
- Tabbed Notebook: keep as many nodes open as you want.
- Bookmarks: help you jump back to your favorite/important nodes.
- Visits: three different automatic lists of visited nodes.
- and much more.

Upcoming Features (1.8):

- Fonts: change the default fonts and sizes on your text, tree, tabs, and more! (complete)
- Node-to-Node Links: Link your scenes to characters, for example (in development)

Repository: https://launchpad.net/~kabikaboo/+archive/ppa
Screenshot: https://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=251844&ssid=119538
Kabikaboo is meant to help you plan a novel, but could be used for anything that would benefit from tree-based text organization. Kabikaboo is not meant to create a formatted document - you should use AbiWord/OpenOffice/LaTeX or some other editor for that purpose.

In the future, we plan to support more writing features, such as: rich text editing, timelines, in-text node links, recursive editing, templates, and more.

Free and open source, created with Python, PyGTK, Glade, on Ubuntu Debian Linux GNU.
Chat: irc.freenode.net /join #kabikaboo
Volunteer testers, developers, and packagers wanted.
NEEDED: Mac installer.
Developed by David Kerr and Jeremy Bicha
Windows Installer by Cody Jackson
More features:
- Spellcheck: automatic spellcheck engine utilizing Enchant.
- Export: any node, recursively or not, to text or html, for printing.
- Import: your big text files and auto-split them into nodes.
- Statistics: word count with real time updates.

Latest version is 1.7




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