The Incubator project was created in October 2002 to provide an entry path to the Apache Software Foundation for projects and codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts. All code donations from external organizations and existing external projects wishing to move to Apache must enter through the Incubator.
The Apache Incubator project serves on the one hand as a temporary container project until the incubating project is accepted and becomes a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation or becomes subproject of a proper project such as the Jakarta Project or Apache XML. On the other hand, the Incubator project documents how the Foundation works, and how to get things done within its framework. This means documenting process, roles and policies within the Apache Software Foundation and its member projects.
Dormant Projects.
OpenSSL based JCE provider. Project going into dormant status after lack of community interest.
SocialSite is an OpenSocial-based headless social networking server and a set of OpenSocial Gadgets that make it easy to add social features to existing web sites. Server provides admin console for configuration, gadget approval and management. Gadgets can be combined to form complete UI for social networking with friending, group management and message support.
SPARQL endpoint for your webserver. Project entering dormant status after failing to get traction.
Projects Retired from Incubation.
Extensible Business Process Management (BPM) engine core. (Project activity transferred to another Incubator project - ODE)
ALOIS is a log collection and correlation software with reporting and alarming functionalities.
A transparent Remote Procedure Call bean.(Development stalled and the project activity transferred to JRemoting)
Relational database engine written in Java.(Project remains at Axion
Distance learning collaboration tool.
Embeddable IoC container
Integrated tools for automating downloading, publishing and managing software artifacts, along with tools for manipulating their metadata.(Project closed after development stalled.)
Portal oriented Content Management System
Identity for the rest of us.(Project retired. Some activity moved to
Rule-based Management Policy Engine(Although the Apache Imperius project was successful in building an SPL implementation and had a successful release, there is not sufficient community energy to warrant continued development of Imperius at the Apache Software Foundation.)
An AJAX toolkit
A management console for Apache HTTP Server and Apache Tomcat projects on a framework extensible to other ASF projects.(Retired due to inactivity. Some talk of moving parts of the codebase to Tomcat)
Lucene for C.(Progress stalled as developers ran out of free time and motivation.)
.NET integration for Maven. Failed to build active community. (Efforts moved to NPanday. Other similar projects are NMaven and Byldan @ Codeplex )
Web 2.0 evaluation kit
JSF Component Library.(Never got started, so retired)
Stonehenge is a set of interoperability scenarios for Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services that demonstrate interoperability between multiple systems including Apache Axis2, WSF/PHP and Microsoft WCF. The code also demonstrates good practice for standards-based interoperability.("The Stonehenge project pretty much accomplished what it originally set out to do and then really didn't find a way to transition to something that is longer lasting and able to develop a community around it." )
(Failed to gather community momentum. Cancelled at request of Sponsoring TLP)
a robust hetorgeneous clustering engine used to cluster geronimo, tomcat, jetty and other containers eventually.(Proposal withdrawn by creator; project continues at Codehaus)
Implementation of OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
Declarative framework for building Ajax-powered web apps
C++ equivalent of Apache XMLBeans.(Failed to get traction)
A COBRA server.
Zeta Components
Zeta Components is a high-quality library of loosely coupled PHP components. Zeta Components were retired from incubator 2012-04-20 and are now found at GitHub
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