Home » , , » The Endian Firewall is an open source Linux distribution that specializes on Routing/Firewalling and Unified Threat Management
29 May 2010

The Endian Firewall is an open source Linux distribution that specializes on Routing/Firewalling and Unified Threat Management

Endian Firewall is a Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance that protects networks and improves connectivity.

Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Endian Firewall is 100% open source and includes a wide variety of features, such as stateful inspection firewall, HTTP/FTP anti-virus, content filter, POP3/SMTP anti-virus, anti-phishing and anti-spam tools, true SSL/TLS VPN, IDS, and other features.

Recent releases;

• 2010-05-27: Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.4
• 2009-10-27: Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.3
• 2009-09-18: Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.3 RC1
• 2008-07-26: Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 RC2
• 2008-05-14: Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 RC1
• 2008-04-23: Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 Beta 4

Endian Firewall Endian Firewall 2.4, a specialist Linux distribution for firewalls and gateways based on CentOS, has been released: "Endian Firewall (EFW) Community version 2.4 is now available. This release introduces new features and lots of bug fixes that make EFW 2.4 a significant improvement in the development of the Endian product family." Features: "If you are using EFW 2.4 and you wish to switch to Endian UTM 2.4, you can now do so by simply pushing a button.

The process is completely managed by EFW, ensuring you a safe and effective upgrade. Updating your EFW 2.3 does not require to install a new system from scratch any more. Instead, you can update single packages using our dedicated repository. With the new version of the kernel the number of supported hardware devices - most of all network interface cards - increases significantly.

Here is the full
release announcement.

Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.4.iso (128MB, MD5).


Version 2.4 contains the following packages:

* Firewall (both directions)
* Virtual Private Network (VPN) Gateway with OpenVPN or IPsec
* Web Antivirus
* Web Antispam
* E-Mail Antivirus
* E-Mail Antispam
* Transparent HTTP-Proxy
* Content Filter
* Hotspot/Wireless Security
* SIP VoIP Support
* Network Address Translation
* Multi IP address (aliases)
* HTTPS web interface
* Connection statistics
* Log of networking traffic
* Forwarding of logs to an external server
* DHCP-Server
* NTP-Server
* Intrusion Detection System
* ADSL-Modem Support
* Updates via a single command

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