* Multi-column display
* Preview of the selected file/directory
* Common file operations (create/chmod/copy/delete/...)
* Quickly find files or text inside files
* VIM-like console and hotkeys
* Open files in external programs
* Mouse support
* Change the directory of your shell after exiting ranger
* Bookmarks
* A Unix-like Operating System
* Python 2.6 or 3.1
* Python curses module (often but not always included with Python)
Python (tested with version 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2) with support for ncurses and (optionally) wide-unicode.
A pager (less by default)
file for determining file types
The python module chardet, in case of encoding detection problems
"sudo" to use the "run as root"-feature
Optional, for enhanced file previews (with "scope.sh"):
img2txt (from caca-utils) for previewing images
highlight for syntax highlighting of code
atool for previews of archives
lynx, w3m or elinks for previews of html pages
pdftotext for pdf previews
transmission-show for viewing bit-torrent information
mediainfo or exiftool for viewing information about media files
F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions).
You need the program "atool" which handles extraction of all sorts of archives automatically. Then, open the archive file in ranger "with the mode 1". You can read about "modes" in the man page, the short answer is that you have to select the archive file and type "1l" or "1<Enter>". Newer ranger versions can display a list of all possible modes if you press "r".
How to change the editor which opens text files?
In your shell rc file, add:
export EDITOR=emacs
How to change the program which opens file type XYZ?
Ranger has a configuration file which contains instructions on how to do that. Which file it is depends on your ranger version though. Ranger version 1.0.1 through 1.5.x uses apps.py whereas ranger-git and versions since 1.6.0 use rifle.conf. In both cases, it can be obtained by running "ranger --copy-config=apps" or "ranger --copy-config=rifle" respectively and it will be copied to ~/.config/ranger/.
How to change or add key bindings?
Since ranger 1.5.0, key bindings are defined in the configuration file rc.conf which can be obtained with "ranger --copy-config=rc". The file should be self-explanatory.
That is not supported by default, but you can add this simple command to your ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf, then type X to trash a file:
map X shell mkdir -p ~/.trash; mv -bv %s ~/.trash/
How to view all image files in feh/sxiv starting with the current file? (ranger-git only)
You'll have to modify the rc.conf:
With feh, you can use the --start-at option and add a line to rifle.conf like:
ext png|bmp|gif|jpe?g, X, flag f = feh -FZx *.bmp *.jpg *.png *.gif *.jpeg --start-at "$(basename "$1")"
With sxiv, you can use this script combined with this line in rifle.conf:
mime ^image, X, flag f = /path/to/script "$@"
Get the git repository by typing:
git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/ranger.git
I advise you to read the README and INSTALL file, but for the lazy, here's a download link and quickstart instructions:
http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/ranger … ter.tar.gz
cd /the/download/path/
tar xf ranger-master.tar.gz && cd ranger-master
./ranger.py --clean

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