Home » , » Gmorgan MIDI rhythm station and virtual organ emulator.
11 September 2012

Gmorgan MIDI rhythm station and virtual organ emulator.

gmorgan_logogMorgan is a rhythm station, a modern organ with full editable accompaniment for play in real time emulating the capabilities of commercial rhythm stations “Korg”,”Roland”, “Solton” ... also has a small pattern based sequencer like “Band in a Box”.

Uses the capabilities of ALSA sequencer to produce MIDI accompaniment.

gMorgan is currently available in here or CVS.
Packagers for Mandrake and RedHat/PlanetCCRMA are working on making packages for those systems available.

If you are using RedHat Linux or other similar RPM-based package management using distributions such as Mandrake, you might wish to visit Planet CCRMA which provides easy to use RPM's of most of the software needed to run gmorgan and many other fine audio and MIDI tools.

cvs access:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gmorgan login
when ask for password just press enter key.
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gmorgan co gmorgan
The help of Pattern Editor.
The help give you a contextual help about the value and the kind of chord like is shown by the following
The Sounds Bank.
The Sequencer Song.
That can be changed a lot in the future, because I think people is most interested in that then int the part of a organ.

You can get the sequencer song by clicking in the Sequencer menu in the main window.
At the moment no denominators bar changes can be in the song, the denominator is for all the song, and you have the responsibility to put patters with the same denominator, maybe can run, but the display numbers of the bars will mistake at this moment, i need to think about that.
The denominator can be changed to 2 3 or 4 to allow 2/4, ¾ or 4/4.

The Inv. buttons are the fist inversion played for the ACC1 ... value 1 for the first inversion of the chord and 2 for de third inversion, thats only in the start moment, because Gmorgan "try" to change the inversions in real time to do a natural accompaniment.

The Drums.
--> The Copy Button in this section, copies a bar, for the whole drum notes.
In the subsection, the slider select the drum note you want to edit, also you can hear with the button listen,

If you load non GM standard Sound Font s, you need to edit a file with drum note names, that is explained later.

The Listen button allow you to listen the selected drum.

The Copy button, copies only the selected instrument. The button Clear, clear the bar for the selected instrument.

The groups of four inputs values are de 16th notes for the bar, in the case of the drums, you select the note in the slider, the length is fixed, and only you need to put the velocity. (0-127).
By clicking on Global Drum Editor button you get a window with the definition of all the drums.
Sounds are the four first channels in the mixer, your left and right hand, Gmorgan can load 100 sounds with the settings of the mixer. Also can be changed with MIDI program change, if you wanna change when you play, or with Alt-B shortcut open the Bank window and you can select or store in it, then you can save the whole bank or sound by sound.
Are the most important thing, Gmorgan can load 500 patterns, each pattern contains the rest of the mixer,Acc1, Acc2 ,Acc3,Acc4,Acc5, Bass & Drums and of course the musical pattern. You can select with left click in the browser or edit with right click. Also you can save the whole, or one by one.
Patterns parameters i will explain in the Pattern Editor.

All changes made in the mixer pattern section are stored in the pattern, and be carefully because if you save the file, this changes will be saved.

Remember in General Midi, drums are assigned to Bank 128, you need to change the Bank MSB parameter to 128 in the Extra Params win (+) if you use General Midi Sound Font s. Empty Patterns are "harcoded" to use the 128 Bank for the drums section, but you need to change it if you don't use General Midi.

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