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15 July 2012

Aura is a package manager for Arch Linux.

aura_logoWhat is Aura?
Aura is a package manager for Arch Linux. It's main purpose is as an "AUR helper", in that it automates the process of installating packages from the Arch User Repositories.

The Aura Philosophy
Aura is Pacman.
Aura doesn't just mimic pacman... it is pacman. All pacman operations and their sub-options are allowed. Some even hold special meaning in Aura as well.
Arch is Arch. AUR is AUR.
-S yields pacman packages and only pacman packages. This agrees with the above. Thus in aura, the -A operation is introduced for obtaining AUR packages. -A comes with with all the sub-options (-s, -u, etc.) that you're used to.
All together
Dependencies and packages are not built and installed one at a time. Install order is as follows:
    All pacman (ABS) dependencies (all at once).
    All AUR dependencies (one at a time).
    All AUR packages (all at once).
Quiet Building.
By default makepkg output is suppressed. If you want the people behind you to think you're a badass hacker, then this suppression can be disabled by using -x alongside -A.

AUR package files that are built are moved to the package cache. This allows for them to be easily downgraded when problems arise. Other top AUR helper programs do not do this.
No Orphans

Sometimes dependencies lose their required status, but remain installed on your system. Sometimes AUR package build dependencies aren't required at all after install. Packages like this just sit there, receiving upgrades for no reason. Aura helps keep track of and remove packages like this.
Arch Linux for Everyone

English is well established as the world's Lingua Franca, also being the dominant language of computing and the internet. That said, it's natural that some people are going to be more comfortable working in their native language. From the beginning Aura has been built with multiple-language support in mind, making it very easy to add new ones.

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Aura is written in Haskell, which means easy developing and pretty code. Aura code isn't complicated, and for the burgeoning Haskeller there are examples of things like regexes and CLI argument handling which could come in handy as a reference.
Sample Usage

Installing Packages.
Install an AUR package:
aura -A (package)
Upgrade all installed AUR packages:
aura -Ayu
Checkout an AUR package's PKGBUILD:
aura -Ap (package)
Install with makepkg output unsuppressed:
aura -Ax (package)
Install and remove make dependencies afterwards:
aura -Aa (package)
Go totally nuts (not recommended):
aura -Ayuax --noconfirm --japanese
Working with the Package Cache
Downgrade a package (this is interactive):
aura -C (package)
Search the package cache for package files via a regex:
aura -Cs (regex)
Backup the package cache:
aura -Cz (/path/to/backup/location/)

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