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24 July 2010

Mythbuntu Linux Media Center based on Ubuntu and integrates the MythTV Media center.

Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu-based distribution and live CD focused upon setting up a standalone MythTV system similar to KnoppMyth or Mythdora.

It can be used to install a standalone frontend, backend, or combination machines.

Mythbuntu uses the XFCE desktop. All unnecessary standard Ubuntu applications such as OpenOffice, Evolution, and a full Gnome desktop are not installed in a default Mythbuntu install. If at any time a user wants to, they can install ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, or xubuntu-desktop and add a full desktop onto their installation.

This can easily be done via the Mythbuntu Control Centre.

 Updates (via Distrowatch)
  Mythbuntu 11.04, a new version of the Ubuntu-based distribution focusing on easy set up of a standalone MythTV system, is out today: "Mythbuntu 11.04 has been released. It is very important to note that this release is only compatible with MythTV 0.24 systems. Previous Mythbuntu releases can be upgraded to a compatible version with the builds located here. For a more detailed explanation, see here. Changes from Mythbuntu 10.10: MythTV 0.24; Mythbuntu-bare scheduling now available for backups; Android and iOS devices can now be used as remote controls; underlying Ubuntu updates; recent snapshot of the MythTV 0.24 release is included; preview of the upcoming MythNetvision plugin; Mythbuntu theme fixes."

Read the rest of the release announcement for more information and known issues.

Download (SHA256): mythbuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso (645MB, torrent), mythbuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso (698MB, torrent).
Recent releases:

 • 2011-04-28: Distribution Release: Mythbuntu 11.04
 • 2010-10-10: Distribution Release: Mythbuntu 10.10
 • 2010-04-30: Distribution Release: Mythbuntu 10.04
 • 2009-10-30: Distribution Release: Mythbuntu 9.10
 • 2009-04-23: Distribution Release: Mythbuntu 9.04
 • 2008-10-31: Distribution Release: Mythbuntu 8.10

Changes from Mythbuntu 9.10:

  • Snappier frontend
  • Better integration w/ system services like upstart and consolekit
  • New mcc plugins
  • Simplified live frontend
Underlying system
  • Underlying Ubuntu updates are found here
  • MythTV 0.23 build 24104 is included (see 0.23 Release Notes)
  • Preview of the upcoming MythNetvision plugin. This app is still undergoing rapid development, so please do not file bug reports on it this release
  • Mythbuntu theme fixes
  • New Theme - ArcLight

Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative focused upon setting up a standalone MythTV system similar to Knoppmyth or Mythdora. Currently, it is a recognized as a community supported project by Canonical. Mythbuntu can be used to install a stand alone Frontend, Backend, or combination machines. Unlike similar projects, Mythbuntu keeps close ties with Ubuntu and all development is given back to the Ubuntu Community. This allows easy conversions from a standard desktop to a Mythbuntu machine and vice versa. The development cycle of Mythbuntu closely follows that of Ubuntu, releasing every six months shortly after Ubuntu releases.

Mythbuntu is a community supported add-on for Ubuntu focused upon setting up a standalone MythTV based PVR system. It can be used to prepare a standalone system or for integration with an existing MythTV network. Unlike similar projects, Mythbuntu keeps close ties with Ubuntu and all development is given back to Ubuntu. This architecture allows simple conversions from a standard desktop to a Mythbuntu machine and vice versa. The development cycle of Mythbuntu closely follows that of Ubuntu, releasing every six months along side Ubuntu releases.



Mythbuntu uses the XFCE desktop. All unnecessary standard Ubuntu applications such as OpenOffice, Evolution, and a full Gnome desktop are not installed in a default Mythbuntu install. If at any time a user wants to, they can install ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, or xubuntu-desktop and add a full desktop onto their installation. This can easily be done via the Mythbuntu Control Centre.

The Mythbuntu Control Centre is a custom GUI used to configure the system. From here you can select what kind of system (Backend, Frontend, Both) you want.

You can also install different desktops such as ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop. Install Plugins, configure MySQL, set passwords, install proprietary drivers, proprietary codecs, setup remote controls, and a range of other features all from one convenient program.


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sources: Distrowatch & Mythbuntu

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