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9 March 2012

Jajuk an application that organizes and plays music, geared towards advanced users with large or scattered music collections.

jajuk_318x383Jajuk is software that organizes and plays music. It is a full-featured application geared towards advanced users with large or scattered music collections. Using multiple perspectives, the software is designed to be intuitive and provide different visions of your collection.

Player functions.

    Digital DJ: Let Jajuk make your playlist based on your own rules
    Ambience management: ask for a soft playlist in two clicks maximum!
    Advanced rating system : banning system, clever rating based both on user preference (set in one click) and automatic analysis (see Rating system for more).
    Configurable cross-fade
    Find duplicate tracks: inbuilt feature to find duplicate tracks across your audio collection
    Alarm clock: start/stop Jajuk at a preset time
    Prepare Party: allows to quickly copy a selection of tracks to an external device
    File management: cut/copy/past/rename; create/delete files/directory in the files perspective from within Jajuk
    Recursive play/repeat/shuffle/push in directories/sub-directories or by genre/artist/albums...
    "Shuffle" smart function to play shuffled selection, track by track, inside an album or album by album
    "Best Of" smart function to play your favourite tracks
    "Novelties" smart function to play your collection newest albums
    "Finish album" smart function to finish current album even in the middle of a shuffled playlist
    Push into player queue
    Planned tracks: foresee your selection
    Various startup modes: none, last one, last one keep position, specified, shuffle, novelties, bestof
    Intro from a track position and specified length
    Repeat / Repeat all, shuffle, intro, fast forward/rewind, mute, karaoke etc.

Supported formats.

Jajuk supports most audio formats (MP3, OGG, FLAC, AAC, WMA, APE, etc...) and tags.

Check out Supported formats for an exhaustive list.
    Automatic indexing: Jajuk uses an XML database to store collection tags. It allows a fast startup even for very large collections. Moreover, you can continue to use jajuk when the collection is refreshed in background.
    Devices synchronization: unidirectional or bidirectional, full or partial
    Custom properties support: create custom attributes on any item to store personal data such as your own tag
    Disconnected devices support: navigate into unmounted devices (CDs for example) to get a complete view of your collection at any time (nice feature if you have plenty of music CDs)
    Collection reporting in HTML or XML
    DBus support (Linux only)


Search functions.
    Web navigator-like history bar
    Instant search box to perform quick searches
    Table filters
    Lyrics grabbing from the web, read/write to tags

Tag support.
    Most tags supported (Ogg,ID3 V1/V2, WMA, Flac...)
    Tag edition (single and multiple tracks)
    Online(CDDB) retagging
    Collection reorganizer using tags and a pattern
    Create your own tag using the custom properties

Graphical Interface.
    Dockable perspectives and views
    Tray support under Windows and Linux
    Full keyboard controls
    Look and Feel support
    Files / Tracks separation: navigate into physical directories or into tags like genres, artists, albums...
    Collection charts and stats
    Wikipedia view displays artist discography
    Artist biography from Artist view
    Full-featured and ultra-light slimbar
    Full screen mode
    Toast or baloon playing track notification

Covers support.
    Visual catalog of all albums by covers
    Auto-covers grabbing from the web with possibility to store them on your disk or make them your default cover

Playlist support.
    Dynamic playlist creation by drag and drop
    Bestof automatic playlist
    Bookmarks automatic playlist
    Novelties automatic playlist


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