Home » , , » Untangle Gateway with pluggable modules for network applications like spam blocking, web filtering, anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall.
21 December 2009

Untangle Gateway with pluggable modules for network applications like spam blocking, web filtering, anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall.

Untangle_company_logo Untangle is a Debian-based network gateway with pluggable modules for network applications like spam blocking, web filtering, anti-virus, anti-spyware, intrusion prevention, VPN, SSL VPN and firewall.

Untangle is a privately held company that provides an open source network gateway for small business. Untangle provides multiple gateway applications installed at the edge of a network. These applications include Anti-spam, Web Content Filtering, Antivirus, Anti-phishing, Anti-spyware, Intrusion prevention, Firewall, OpenVPN, SSL VPN, Router, Protocol Control, Attack Blocker, Reporting, Policy Manager, and Kaspersky Virus Blocker on the Untangle Gateway Platform.

Update (via Distrowatch):

Untangle Gateway Dirk Morris has announced the release of Untangle Gateway 8.1, a specialist distribution for firewalls, gateways and routers, based on Debian GNU/Linux 5.0: "We are pleased to announce general availability of Untangle 8.1. Our latest version includes a new application for caching web content as well as a host of enhanced features and improvements. Web Cache stores copies of online files passing through it; subsequent requests for the same files may be satisfied from the cache if certain conditions are met, rather than being re-downloaded each time. Web caching can help organizations increase responsiveness of web applications and save bandwidth costs. Key features include: stores frequently requested items locally; serves content from local cache; decreases bandwidth usage; decreases response time; supports the caching of web content and software updates."

More details can be found in the release notes.

Download (MD5): untangle_810_x32.iso (451MB), untangle_810_x64.iso (436MB).

Recent releases:

• 2011-02-12: Distribution Release: Untangle Gateway 8.1
• 2010-11-17: Distribution Release: Untangle Gateway 8.0
• 2010-08-13: Distribution Release: Untangle Gateway 7.4
• 2010-06-04: Distribution Release: Untangle Gateway 7.3
• 2010-03-31: Distribution Release: Untangle Gateway 7.2
• 2009-12-18: Distribution Release: Untangle Gateway 7.1

Untangle Gateway is a Debian-based network gateway with pluggable modules for network applications like spam blocking, web filtering, anti-virus, anti-spyware, intrusion prevention, VPN, SSL VPN, firewall, and more.

Untangle was founded in 2003 as Metavize, Inc. by John Irwin and Dirk Morris.[Metavize officially launched in 2005 at Demo@15!. In 2006, Metavize raised a $10.5M series-A venture funding round from CMEA Ventures and Rustic Canyon Partners, named Bob Walters as CEO, and renamed to Untangle, Inc. In 2007, Untangle released the Untangle Gateway Platform as open source under the GPLv2 license , and surpassed 100,000 users in 2,000 organizations. In 2009, Untangle claimed over 1 million protected users.

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Untangle Platform Overview
(4 minutes)

What makes Untangle Fast

(2 minutes)

Untangle's Business Value

(3 1/2 minutes)

Newly Updates Reports

(11 minutes)

WAN Balancer Overview

(4 minutes)

WAN Failover Overview

(7 minutes)

eSoft Video Overview
Spam Blocker Video Overview

eSoft Web Filter Overview

(6 1/2 minutes)

Spam Blocker Overview

(5 minutes)


Open Source Apps

Paid Apps

Spam Blocker

Platform Overview

Spam Blocker

Web Filter
Spyware Blocker

Web Filter

Spyware Blocker

Untangle Reports



Routing & QoS Screenshot
Virus Blocking

Routing & QoS

Virus Blocker

Phish Blocker
Intrusion Prevention

Phish Blocker

Adserver           610x250

Intrusion Prevention

Attack Blocker

Attack Blocker


Protocol Control
Ad Blocker Screenshots

Protocol Control

Ad Blocker

AD Connector
Remote Access Portal

AD Connector

Remote Access Portal

PC Remote
Policy Manager

PC Remote

Policy Manager

WAN Balancer Thumb
WAN Failover Thumb

WAN Balancer

WAN Failover

PC Remote

Branding Manager

eSoft Web Filter

Kaspersky Virus Blocker
Commtouch Spam Booster Thumbnail


source: Wikipedia & Untangle

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